Human Design is a complex system based on one’s birth information that incorporates teachings from various modalities.

It can be seen as a modern personality test and a self-awareness tool.

It offers insight that can help you connect with yourself and understand how you might differ from others, and it offers tools that you can implement in your day-to-day to help you make decisions and bring more presence and awareness into your life.


Individual Readings

For yourself, your newborn, or child of any age

Learn more about yourself or a loved one

Readings are interactive, i.e. feel free to ask me any questions throughout, let me know if something resonates, and share any stories, examples, or a-ha moments that come to mind.

Introduction Reading, 1 hour, $128 CAD - we’ll go over the basic elements of your chart

Follow-up Reading, 1 hour, $128 CAD - can be used to cover additional elements of your chart, discuss your experience in implementing your design, or anything else you’d like in relation to Human Design

Community Workshops

Learn about Human Design alongside others in your community, gaining insight into your chart as well as into the charts of others

Small, intimate groups with space and time to share and ask questions

Custom Readings

Team building, friends night in, bachelorette or bachelor parties, anything else you can think of

Get to know yourself and your colleagues or friends, how you differ, and the similarities you share
